Thursday, November 04, 2004

Honk If You're Depressed

Yesterday evening I was humbly making my way through Center City towards the Ritz, to see a movie and escape the Bad News Bush. All day I had been down and frustrated. How could this asshole be re-elected? As I passively sat in traffic on Market Street a commotion got my attention. There was a huge mass of people turning onto Market, ignoring the traffic light and parading down the street. I heard honking, and then saw the sign "Honk if you're depressed." I got wrapped up in the moment and honked my horn. Before I knew it I was laughing and making eye contact with the protestors.
There was this warm fuzzy feeling of unity among the Anti-Bush brigade and it made me happy. At least we have a sense of humor.

It helped me to move on a little, and realize we all still exist--fellow intelligent, humane people. And eventually we will feel represented by our leaders. Hopefully.

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