Thursday, November 18, 2004

Teenage Wasteland

That's always been one of my favorite expressions, and a recent occurrence with a middle schooler brought it to life again. We were sharing stories of our worst injury ever. When this certain 8th grader who had a history of piercings, hair dye, and breaking the school's uniform code, had her turn to share...

she lifted up her shirt and exposed this rectangular looking burn on her stomach. What is that?...we asked.

"I layed on a curling iron...for like, 15 seconds before i felt the burn."


Just imagine what this girl's bedroom is like, and take a trip down memory lane!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hi there- I just stumbled across your blog while cruising the blogger website. I thought it was pretty funny- especially the post about Halloween "wussies." I hope you don't mind if I share a link to your blog on my blog- And I also truly enjoy the purpose of your write some things that make you laugh to yourself.